Wednesday, November 24, 2010

So, I want to get my grade up(:

I did REALLY bad on one of my standards so therefore, I am trying to make up for it by posting information on a graph & exaplin exactly whats going on in the graph.. So.. Here we go!

If you want the full infromation go to this website here: (:

Since the graph is on a PDF file I am not able to copy and paste it :( but I will give you some background information and explain the graph to you that is on page 5 on the right side! I believe it is Figure 5 in the text.

This article is basically about finding a method to determine sedimentation behavior of of enzymes. Since we are currently talking about enzymes in class I figured this would fit best for what I needed to make up! After they finished up their experements the results were shown. Figure 5 in the text is one of the graphs that show what the sedimentation behavior was.

Catalse, Alchohol Dehydrogenase, Rabbit liver soluble RNA, and Lysozme were all tested for 20 hours at 38,000 RPM. Catalase, which is the soild circle, had the greatest gain of the four enzymes. The distance of peak from meniscus started out at about .65cm in approx two and a half hours. After approxamently 17 hours the catalase had gotten to about 3cm. At 20 hours it was up to 3.59cm. The Alcohol Dehydrogenase, or the open circle, started out at .4cm in two and a half hours. After 20 hours the Alcohol Dehystrogenase was up to about 2.61cm. The Rabbit Liver Soluble RNA started out with one of the smallest numbers. After 5 hours it was up to about .35cm. After 20 hours the Rabbit Liver Soluable RNA only rose to about 1.31cm. The lowest enzyme of them all was Lysozyme. After 20 hours the Lysozyme was only up to about .65 cm. I can conclude after looking at this graph that Catalase had the greatest distance from the Menisus, and Lysozyme had the smallest peak from the Menisus.

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